Lectures and programs

















"As long as there are lessons to be learned, you definitely won't be bored in life."

Dr Avetisov's lectures receive rave reviews because they inspire and educate. He encourages the audience to think differently, act differently, see new horizons and get a taste of a better future.

Choose a topic and contact us to discuss how we can model unique content for your audience.




Transformational narratives: how to quickly create an environment of trust, inspire and influence people's behaviour.

In today's hectic and unpredictable world, presenting meaningful stories is more important than structured information - the text and words we sometimes choose so carefully. This is especially effective for challenging life scenarios and corporate episodes when we want people to change their attitudes and behaviour.

Our intentions, values and our life experiences have an incredible potential to influence the outcome of this process if given the correct form of semantic narrative. Then, we can inspire the environment with stories to move people into the desired future

This presentation will change your idea of how people's worldviews can be transformed and how much time is actually needed for this.

You will learn,

  • How, using narrative techniques, inspire people to participate and change.
  • How semantic stories replace superficial exchange of information.
  • How life experiences are transformed into learning tools.
  • How a corporate culture is created - a system of protection against chaos and uncertainty in the world.
  • How to build confidence and increase readiness for complex situations and stories.
  • How to achieve long-term and meaningful changes in the behaviour of groups of people.
  • How the power of narrative can move those, you lead.
  • And how this technology is changing the world right now.

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Behavioural transformation zone: how complex life episodes are transformed into compelling stories with the desired result.

Being under incredible informational pressure, immersed in worries, obligations and circumstances, we daily repeat scenarios that do not suit us and sometimes even upset us. We agree and find a simple justification for this - this is how the world works. But the question is not only in the world - it is in ourselves.

The story transformation matrix studies inefficient behavioural algorithms and their replacement with new, more effective ones. Knowing how to change these behaviour-initiating algorithms to get what we want is a strategic skill for anyone in any field. People always remember a teacher or a leader who had the courage and knowledge to help them change, to see how strong and valuable they could be.

You will learn,

  • How unconscious and intuitive behaviour arises.
  • How to effectively work in the zone of uncomfortable narratives.
  • How the narratives are retold, transforming meanings and leading to new results.
  • How difficult stories about complex issues are turned into instructive and valuable narratives.
  • How using “Mastering", behavioural patterns are deciphered, and new ones are formed.
  • And, how by visualizing, they push people to grow beyond far-fetched limits.

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The Intelligence of Change: How to Control Our Mind When Past Experience Controls Our Actions.

You can either be the master of your brain or the victim of your unconscious reactions. Your brain can control you when you're under environmental pressure, following habitual patterns, or just being very busy with your worries. This presentation includes interactivity that will immediately help you remove the doom and inevitability of situations, realize the critical and valuable and help those with whom you communicate to succeed.

You will learn,

  • How to capture their meanings before they react to situations.
  • How to determine the circumstances and algorithms that cause inefficient behaviour.
  • How to apply the 3-step method to change patterns of ineffective behaviour.
  • How they establish the connection of goals and meanings with expected results.
  • How they plan their lives to be the master of their mind and their actions.

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Success strategies for women with dreams and men with goals.

The last century is marked by how a new picture of the world is sometimes dramatically recreated - the world of women and the world of men. In order to maintain our life balance and essence, the modern world requires us to develop new abilities and build new relationships and communications.

To realize their potential, most women work hard, devoting themselves entirely to tasks and concerns. But, this drive and a remarkable capacity for work often make them feel exhausted rather than satisfied with the results. And the solution is not in the distribution of priorities and not in managing their time.

The solution is to focus your energy on your life purpose and mission. Choose who and how they want to be, how they want to feel, and how they can make the most of their innate essence, meaning, and talents. When women learn, interpret and practice their abilities, they feel more satisfied and confident, even when their day is fully loaded, busy or eventful.

You will learn,

  • How to identify and declare internal strengths and values to strengthen your stability and achieve the desired results.
  • How you are freed from the burden of the conventions while maintaining passion and dynamism without losing personal appeal.
  • How to strengthen relationships by maximizing influence and creating a powerful presence to express yourself and be heard.

Engage Dr Avetisov to communicate better, influence and activate change in your life!

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My programs inspire people to learn and grow by giving them techniques they can apply immediately. You can use the acquired knowledge and skills to solve your problems, educate and lead others, communicate effectively and influence the environment.

Each of the programs is modelled for a specific task. Programs are localized all over the world, so we also consider the region's culture and work with translators.




If you represent a large global corporation that needs many internal leaders, Dr Avetisov will help you select them from your leaders. He will help you educate and inspire them in a way that ensures you get the results you want.

If you are the direct owner of the company, Dr Avetisov will help you transform your desires and meanings into a managed and controlled working environment for your enterprise. It will help you recreate a communication field where your employees work and think in a system of shared values ​​and aspirations to guarantee a mutually-agreed result.

The main power of liferunning lies in developing new levels of influence and getting results with and through others. Liferunning uses proven techniques that lead to fundamental changes in human behaviour. This is based on knowledge, research and years of corporate experience focused on helping senior leaders succeed in large enterprise environments.

There are many definitions and assessments in the world that characterize our behaviour and aspirations. As a doctor and businessman who has been practising and studying how adults change their behaviour for more than 30 years, I can say that everything is possible when the necessary conditions are recreated.

We define life running as a process of systematic integration of life and professional experience into developing technologies, which allows us to combine meanings and values ​​into an effective form of broadcast, interaction and management of people. This process is a thought-provoking partnership. It is creativity that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. It creates a whole set of unique tools of influence. It does not mean that I act as an expert or consultant who distributes solutions, although in most cases, they are known to me.

Respecting my clients' potential and resourcefulness and their holistic personalities, I give them the opportunity to find these systemic solutions themselves, to find developing meanings in their unique stories.

I provide all the resources to fill in their experience and knowledge gaps. The direct practice of acquired skills and decisions develops the leader's mind in an active rather than a passive way. Together we create that safe environment where the leader allows himself to think faster, more flexibly and comprehensively.



Before meeting with the leader, I need to analyse the space of influence and, if possible, it is preferable to start work with feedback from 2-3 colleagues and direct reports, or, at least, with the most general assessment of the circumstances in the survey style. Then we can reason and act in accordance with the goals and desires of the leader and with the discussion of the information provided. This will help to more quickly implement what is needed to support change both in the leader and his environment.

The leader defines a vision and two or three overarching goals to guide the liferunning process towards a meaningful and practical outcome. These first steps are often the longest, with sessions lasting up to 2 hours. If desired and the possibility of a live meeting, the life runner can also apply the "shadow office work" - observe how the leader behaves during office meetings and their communication, assess the impact on those present and make an inventory of the narratives used. Nowadays, this can be done remotely.

Then we establish an action plan and criteria for success (examples of goals are listed below). The initial goals may often change during the course of the interaction to reflect changing needs and situations. The leader's support for the process comes from communicating the objectives of the change to critical stakeholders. This increases accountability and subsequently sets up regular feedback on changes.

Meetings with the leader are held once every 1 - 2 weeks virtually for 60-90 minutes to learn and master new skills, analyse progress, and build strategies for current dilemmas that can help the leader achieve goals. As needed, the liferunner provides models, resources, and new valuable methods.

If possible, meetings are held live at least once or twice during the program. Between sessions, it is essential that the client sets aside time and space to reflect on what is happening and their development. If you have questions and don't want to wait for the next session, the leader can contact you at any time by e-mail or instant messenger. This way, continuous learning and growth are ensured in an integrated life-running approach.

The program works best when subsequent phases include a six or 9-month agreement.



I have been involved in behavioural change since 2005, using all the experience and knowledge gained to develop leadership qualities that contribute to them. A robust approach ensures the use of research and discoveries in medicine, behavioural economics and social skills. I use historical excursions, the experience of the development of civilization, cultural phenomena, and knowledge of anthropology. I can confidently say that liferunning is one of the most effective technologies for long-term change in individual and social behaviour.

During the process, so that the leader can do better in today's environment - complex, uncertain and ambiguous - I act as both a thinking partner and a mentor. I challenge assumptions, explore beliefs, and provide a safe space to discuss the future and hope. I guarantee that the leader will create reasonable expectations for effective change. My clients not only make their own decisions but then confidently implement the changes they want to make in their lives and the environment.

This does not mean that there will not be cases where experience, best practices or tools will not be offered for practical thinking and possible solutions. If necessary, the leader will be given all the resources to expand the perspective and take informed action in solving new problems.



  • Development of a unified group behaviour model based on the company's values and leading narratives.
  • Building a system for developing and transferring life and professional experience in the company.
  • Creating a compelling new level of communication to inspire the team to improve performance.
  • Inventory of personal experience and marking of events for transformation into the form of the leading semantic narratives of the company.
  • Creation of a space of trust and mutual understanding between leaders and subordinates.
  • Finding the best solutions to deal with difficult situations and people.
  • Leadership during the change in the organization and the market.
  • Efficient and quick adaptation to a new position or circumstances.
  • Managing your well-being to maintain high personal performance and satisfaction from your achievements. 
  • Change, correction or creation of corporate culture.
  • Customizing the model of controlled meanings for existing experience and presenting the system of their cascade translation.



For life-running to be successful, the client must be prepared to:

  • To honestly and sincerely desire changes and understand their need. Be open and honest with yourself and with me.
  • Pushing the boundaries of awareness takes work. But, if you don't feel uncomfortable, you don't learn.
  • Be an active participant and not a concerned bystander during and after the sessions.
  • You cannot put stories aside when you leave a session. Please fulfil your obligations between sessions and attend scheduled sessions unless an emergency arises (virtual sessions require 24 hours' notice for changes; live sessions require two weeks' notice).
  • Set aside time for reflection: immediately after the session, during the intervening weeks, and just before the sessions.
  • Keep records and notes.

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What is the difference between a group of people and a team? The team works in harmony, connecting individuals' strengths with the team's overall goal, its values and meanings, and its stories. Without such a consistent environment, team performance can be detrimental, especially if the team comprises intelligent, strong, and successful people.

This program implements the basic steps to create a story that connects, creating a culture that brings people together and allows them to become a highly effective and passionate team.



  • How to identify and focus on each individual's general strengths, characteristics, and talents.
  • How to form a common unifying identity and purpose, a story that will captivate everyone.
  • How to identify zones of resistance to change and eliminate habitual patterns that have lost meaning and obstruct conventions.
  • How to define and communicate a picture of what is desired and create an environment to help participants move confidently in that direction.
  • How to choose stories and actions that inspire others.
  • How to change the organisation's culture by increasing each process's semantic content.
  • What tools to use to transform meanings from problems to opportunities and determine the order of continuous progress towards the future.
  • How to help accept new meanings and energy for a joint journey into this future.
  • And how to enjoy this journey together.



During the program, a space of trust and mutual understanding is created between leaders, subordinates and all team members. A unified behaviour model is being developed based on the values of the company, its culture, meanings and stories. The program opens up a new and convincing level of communication and builds a long-lasting system of development, cumulation and transfer of life and professional experience.

For companies, the program will give a new degree of value and capitalization of its resources; for leaders - a new degree of improvement; for directors - a new degree of influence; and for managers - a new degree of control of processes.


EXAMPLE OF A PROGRAM PLAN (1 or 2 days, depending to your needs):

  • The difference between individual and team history.
  • Personal inventory of abilities, values and meanings.
  • Identification of the value system of the company.
  • Integration of personal meanings into this system.
  • Identification of the uniting meanings of the team and its plots.
  • Building a trusted interaction format.
  • Determining the goals of the team to implement its meanings.
  • Creation of a team vision, leading team narratives.
  • Creation of team agreements, assumptions, rules, and rituals.
  • Development of the principles of corporate culture space.
  • Customization of the created model for existing experience and circumstances.
  • Representation of the process of cascade transmission of a system of meanings and practices.
  • Plan forms and areas of responsibility for the implementation of changes.

The program is accompanied by group and individual exercises, activities, and tests.

Participants will leave the program with a desire to apply what they have learned with their teams at work and in life.

This program is in high demand. Depending on the needs, it can be a one-day or two-day workshop and dynamic collaboration with teams at all stages of change.

If you would like to create a program to create an effective culture in your organization or to modernize an existing one, please get in touch with us for more information.

A corporate culture program can have three levels of implementation:

  • Development and implication "from the foundation".
  • Correction of the existing one with a change of certain principles or placement of new accents.
  • Preservation of the basic principles and components with improving translation, interpretation and implementation practices.

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This program raises awareness of the Intelligence Narrative and the power of leaders to influence others and teaches them how to choose the stories and actions that lead a team to success. The ability to connect and inspire with meaningful stories is an essential leadership competency that allows leaders to change the worldview and lives of others positively. And people appreciate it forever. Effective leaders can share insightful reflections and meaningful stories that expand people's understanding of their purpose and capabilities. Dr Avetisov will help you understand and choose your own meaningful stories and then transform and use them to help others adapt to change and find the strength to solve difficult situations.

One of the common problems leaders face is getting people to see the areas and points of resistance preventing them from intentionally moving forward. Telling people what's wrong is not an effective way to change behaviour. Using threats or rewards for necessary changes does not give long-term and justified results.

The most effective way for a leader to change people is to help them accept new meanings and find a new energy source to move forward. By reflecting on what you hear and feel and then creating stories of progress, change how a person sees himself and the world around him and how he will act. Such discoveries and narratives lead to permanent and positive changes in behaviour.

The program is designed as an interactive learning program and will provide leaders with new approaches to creating breakthrough moments in growth and performance stories. It teaches the latest techniques to stimulate fresh thinking and long-term behavioural change. Participants will leave with practical skills and renewed confidence in how to help others think more broadly and act genuinely effectively.



  • How to become narratively conscious of capturing and interpreting your own and others' stories before reflexively reacting to them. This will give you more control over behaviour and influence.
  • How to identify your most common ineffective narratives and the options you have and when they appear.
  • How to prepare for difficult episodes to ensure stability and involve the environment in decisions, participation and results.
  • How to establish a shared connection through stories with subordinates and colleagues to improve communication and persuasiveness.
  • How to use various methods to transform narratives into productive directions for tasks now and in the future.
  • How to open a new compelling level of meanings and communication. Build a system for developing and transferring life and professional experience from subordinates.
  • How to create a space of trust and mutual understanding between leaders and subordinates and develop a standard model of group behaviour based on the values and culture of the company.

This will improve connections and engagement as people look forward to working in an environment that supports their self-expression and gives them a clear vision of the future.



The program will include three aspects of liferunning:

  • managing your narratives
  • understanding the narratives of others
  • using skills to get positive results from the stories you develop and implement

You will learn the following:

  • The history of scientific discoveries which serves as the basis for new levels of interaction technologies.
  • New insights in learning and behaviour change based on recent brain research.
  • Inventory of personal experience and marking events and meanings.
  • The transformation of meanings into the form of a narrative.
  • When it is more beneficial to use semantic narrative, mentoring, coaching or an imperative approach.
  • Determine what stories and meanings need to be held during complex changes for the person to stay true to these changes.
  • Distinguish levels of perception of stories and what can be heard at each level.
  • Identify typical causes of resistance zones in people in stories about motivations.
  • Study the model which is most effective for changing people's thinking and solving problems.
  • Practice and listen to the central processing centres in your perceptual system to know what stories to tell and what important messages to make to create a broader foothold for results.
  • Practice storytelling techniques and style to guide yourself during the process.
  • Learn and practice techniques that can be used in storytelling to represent the desired outcome.
  • Create your plan for continuous development and improvement.



  • Terminology, analogues, differences between liferunning and management.
  • The evolution of motivation in the workplace. The necessity and value of narratives.
  • Scientific ideas and discoveries in the field of worldview and human behaviour.
  • Experience inventory. How to hear what actually helps a person move forward. Study of cases and plots when experience would be most helpful.
  • The definition of liferunning goes beyond problem-solving and helps change people's mindsets.
  • Storytelling experience. Storytelling basics. Narrative Model.
  • What it takes to create an impactful story. How to transform episodes into semantic narratives.
  • Identify common causes of gaps and resistance in people to help fill them with helpful moving stories.
  • Combination of meanings and actions. Mastering model. Changing behaviour and performance.
  • Mental positions that are required for listening and broadcasting narratives. The technique of being present and managing the communication of the narrator.
  • Tools to help visualize the narrative. Techniques for visualizing and developing stories. Strategies for applying other disciplines in the process of influence.
  • Ways to integrate acquired knowledge and skills into daily practice.
  • Your development plan to improve results and behaviour.

SUBSEQUENT classes can be presented as case studies to ensure continuous development.

The skills gained in this short period of time will help the participants become accustomed to their life examples so that when they return to work, they will be inspired to conduct such sessions with employees.

This is one of Dr Avetisov's most popular programs. It is possible to model the program from one day to several days, depending on your needs.

If you would like to create a program to create an effective culture in your organization or to modernize an existing one, please get in touch with us for more information.

A corporate culture program can have three levels of implementation:

  • Development and implication "from the foundation".
  • Correction of the existing one, change of individual principles, placement of new accents.
  • Preservation of the basic principles and components with improving translation, interpretation and implementation practice.

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"You can either be the victim of your own or other people's stories, or you can be the master of them."

Whether you are a supervisor, manager, team leader, or employee, you need to consider the narratives you use to overcome challenges and motivate yourself at work. When the narrative starts, the logic may get lost. When people are drawn into stories, they lose the ability to self-reflect and consciously adapt.

Whether your brain deceives you or the reactive brain of the storyteller you're talking to, it's hindering your progress. You must know how to work with narratives to find solutions for everyone.

This program will include three aspects of liferunning:

  • managing your narratives
  • understanding others
  • using skills to help you get positive results from yourself and those around you

The skills will help participants make better choices when they are under pressure, uncomfortable, or simply busy.

The interactive workshop allows participants to practice new skills and discuss how to integrate them into the life scenarios they regularly encounter.



  • How the brain works, including cycles of perceiving and accepting stories.
  • Understanding what drives us, our thoughts and our behaviour, especially under pressure, builds a personal survival model.
  • How to apply knowledge to familiar narratives that guide us in life and at work.
  • How to become self-aware to capture interests and meanings before they negatively impact you.
  • How to master your productive state to create and use the best goal-related narratives.
  • How to recognize possible sources that trigger control narratives and then modify them as the situation evolves.
  • How to establish a semantic connection with the environment to improve the practice of trusting interaction.
  • How to teach others to use these methods for more productive interaction.
  • How to develop vigilance for negative narratives.



  • Scientific discoveries as the basis for new interaction technologies.
  • Inventory of personal and professional experience and its transformation into a semantic narrative.
  • Marking meanings and events, ways of transforming episodes in history.
  • Storytelling and a 4-stage model for creating a narrative.
  • Integration of personal meanings into value narratives.
  • Analysis of the best practices for applying narrative management.
  • Ideograms and using metaphors and emotional triggers as tools for semantic communication.
  • Mastering - three steps to change behaviour.
  • The introduction of development and learning tools into a unified semantic narrative.
  • Creation of a working model of the cumulation of meanings and stories.
  • Customization of the resulting model for the existing experience of the participant.
  • Practice and analysis of interaction in the process of cascading system translation.
  • Liferunning strategies as a form of environmental management.


Your brain is just as strong at driving you forward as it is holding you back from the success you deserve. Don't let it happen. Dr Avetisov will help you stay in the productive zone of your awareness.

The program may include a pre-assessment. After the program, a group session may be held to determine how to apply the learning on the job.

If you would like to create a program to create an effective culture in your organization or to modernize an existing one, please get in touch with us for more information.

A corporate culture program can have three levels of implementation:

  • Development and implication "from the foundation".
  • Correction of the existing one, change of individual principles, placement of new accents.
  • Preservation of the basic principles and components with improving translation, interpretation and implementation practice.

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"Change your life from where you are right now."

Complex scenarios are an inevitable part of work and life. Whether it's a failed project, performance issues, neutralizing toxic team members, or a change initiative that will be poorly received. But there always comes a time when you need to do something about it.

We often avoid such stories and conversations because they evoke an emotional reaction. People may show anger or shut down altogether. It could be defensiveness, embarrassment, frustration, stress, and possibly tears. Most leaders, and people in general, have not learned to respond to emotional reactions calmly. They know there is a price to pay for failure, so they rationalize their avoidance until the problem worsens. The longer you put off these important stories and stories, the more they will affect your relationship with the person, your workplace environment, and your overall success as a leader and as a person.

Have you ever told yourself that stories about problems only make them worse? Do you think you can't make someone feel bad? Many myths about comfort and convenience keep us from difficult narratives, even if their outcome may lead to growth and success.



This program will give you effective tactics for dealing with complex narratives, including how you deal with emerging emotions. You will learn how to prepare for a difficult episode, create a sense of security in conversations, and work out emotional and semantic scenarios.

You will learn how to work in the zone of uncomfortable storytelling and how to use these stories to break through your thinking. You will no longer avoid complex retellings of complex stories. Take a liferunning approach to your own and others' stories to get the feedback you need and resolve conflicts.



  • How to consciously prepare to retell a complicated story.
  • How to train to work with others to catch your emotional reactions.
  • How to shift your position and listener to identify story triggers.
  • How to master storytelling through a 4-step model for creating a narrative.
  • How to start a story with a valuable and attractive statement.
  • How to retell the narrative by transforming meanings, values and results.
  • How to use liferunning to change the way someone thinks about a situation.
  • How to recognize obstacles and blind spots and then light the way for an action plan.
  • How to practice the 3-Step Mastering Process to stay confident.

Participants will leave with a set of tools to see immediate positive change in their difficult and repetitive stories.

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How women leaders can actively influence and create change in the world and how professional men should relate to this.

The last century is marked by how a new picture of the world is sometimes dramatically recreated - the world of women and the world of men. In order to maintain its life balance and essence, the modern world requires the development of new abilities, building new relationships and communications.

To realize their potential, most women work hard, devoting themselves entirely to tasks and concerns. But, this drive and a remarkable capacity for work often make them feel exhausted rather than satisfied with the results. And the solution is not in the distribution of priorities and not in managing their time.

The solution is to focus your energy on your life purpose and goals. Choose who and how they want to be, how they want to feel, and how they can make the most of their essence and their talents. When women learn, interpret and practice their abilities, they feel more satisfied and confident, even when their day is fully loaded, busy or eventful.



In this seminar, you will learn the following:

  • How to identify and declare internal strengths and values to reinforce your stability and achieve the desired results.
  • How to free yourself from the burden of the conventions of the situation while maintaining passion and dynamism without losing personal appeal.
  • How to strengthen relationships by maximizing influence and creating a powerful presence. How to express yourself and be heard.



A delicate life-running approach will help participants see the "strengths and highlights" and the "weaknesses and shadows" of their intelligent and driven personalities more clearly.

Participants will learn what common factors motivate us to achieve professional success but can hinder our personal development and happiness.

  • How to inventory your successful and happy stories and determine their meaning and value for the future.
  • How to develop your "self-story concept" to enhance the impact of your uniqueness in communication and influence.
  • How to transform your stories to articulate what you need from others and effectively set boundaries when your contributions are not fully recognized.
  • How to find your sense of purpose so you can use it as your "main meaning" and help yourself achieve the desired results.
  • How to make decisions, optimize current moments to avoid congestion and focus on your vision.
  • How to integrate your meanings into opportunities for professional development and personal satisfaction.
  • How to systematize your strengths and skills to increase your inner strength and resilience.
  • How to strengthen relationships by maximizing influence, creating a powerful presence and choosing how to express yourself in order to be heard.

Engage Dr Avetisov to communicate better, influence and activate change in your life!

Many concepts and exercises are adapted from Dr Avetisov's books "About LIFE" and "Liferunning".

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